

Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

School Day


School Day (Reception - Year 6)


8:45 am doors open for children to enter into school. Staff are on duty from 8.45am and children are parents responsibility until the doors open. Doors close at 8.50am for lessons to start. 

All children finish school at 3.20pm.  This is the 32.5 hours of statutory school day times as directed by DFE. 

Additional hours include Breakfast club 8am-8.45am and any after school clubs as extra curricular activities. 


8:45am classroom doors open / registration 
8:50 am - doors closed. Lessons start by 8.55am
10:15 am Assembly 
10:30-10.45amBreaktime all school
10:45-12 noon  Lessons 
11.45am-1pm EYFS wrap around care for Nursery 
1 pm - 3:20 pmLessons


End of day


Nursery Day 

Children in Nursery start the school day in line with the rest of school as Nursery and Reception are a mixed age unit. School starts at 8.45am when the doors ope.n and ends at 3.20pm. Part time Nursery children can attend 8.45am-11.45am and in the afternoons 12.45pm-3.10pm. Wrap Around Care is split over lunch 11.45-1pm.
