

Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

World Environment Day 2020

A to Z with Addi

Charlie investigating nature

Great work Rosie!

Tabby's Ocean and Water work

More great work from Abigail

We love this bee hotel Nikodem!

Kieran has researched majestic orcas and creaed a brilliant information page

Great deep sea habitat diagram by Ethan

Great work Abigail!

Erin has been discovering nature in different ways

Erin has an interesting new pet

Lilly has written a super story

Denton has created a wonderful t-shirt design, eco house and story!

Sergio and Sofia have been very creative this week!

We love your veg patch Macey Mae!

Great environmental work Edward

Charlie and Emily have been exploring the origins of their clothes, making a tally chart and then locating the countries on a map. Super investigative work!

This is a super colourful and snazzy t-shirt design Suzie. We love it!
