Thursby Primary School has been awarded the PTI Mark for 2023/2024 and 2022/2023– recognition for our success as part of the Primary Hub.
The PTI Mark celebrates outstanding commitment to increasing teachers’ subject knowledge to improve outcomes for all students. Thursby School was given the mark for demonstrating excellence in subject provision and leadership.
The PTI launched Primary Hubs in 2019 to connect local networks of schools with high-quality, subject focussed CPD, to promote collaboration, and strengthen subject teaching and subject leadership across the network.
The PTI’s Primary Hubs are open to all primary schools in England. To create a hub, a senior leader in a primary school works closely with the PTI to recruit schools and design three bespoke CPD days over the year.
Thursby School has subject curriculum leaders and co-ordinators. Some teachers lead more than one subject, though all teachers work together to support each other and develop their subject knowledge.
Each subject holds a central curriculum subject file where teachers self review the previous year and develop an action plan based directly on the annual schools development plan.
Leaders monitor their subject through our schools Monitoring & Evaluating timetable. This enables subject leads to have release time from class to monitor progress and evaluate gaps in learning and support teachers to aid progress and raising standards. This monitoring may take place via book looks, pupil discussions, subject audits, staff surveys, data analysis (non-exhaustive).
Subject leaders have access to continued professional development (CPD) and our knowledgeable and skilled teachers lead inhouse CPD in INSET and directed time staff meetings based on schools priorities from the schools development plan.
Effective and successful transition is vital in securing progress and raising standards with pupils. Each summer teachers meet together to discuss all pupils they will be receiving in the new academic year. Some pupils begin transition earlier when needed, which may include spending time in their new class room and teacher in the summer term.
Year 6 transition to secondary school is led by our Assistant Headteacher Mr Colombi, who liaises with feeder schools, pupils and parents to ensure a smooth transition to Year 7. Years 5 and 6 pupils participate in our feeder schools activity days throughout the year which includes Science and Maths days alongside sports activity days.
Dave Colombi- Maths, Assessment, MFL, Behaviour, SMSC and British Values, Relationships Education
Jenny Milburn-English including Phonics, Science
Lisa Brown- History, Geography, PE
Sally Gibson- RE
Surelle Butler- Music, PSHE
Lauren Gregson- DT and Art
Jayne Williams -Computing, Online Safety