

Primary School

Learning and Growing Together


When the weather is icy or snowy, sections of the school yard and the car park will be coned off for safety. There will be a path cleared for all children to access their external entry/exit doors. We ask parents to only attend site if required, though we understand young children need an adult with them to support their safety. 


Any school closures for weather adversity will be notified by text to all parents when known. We will also inform Cumbria County Council and you can then receive this information if you have subscribed to CCC.  We inform the News and Star and CFM. 


When the weather is hot and sunny, we ask all children to have suncream applied before entering school. All children should bring with them sunhats for PE, all breaks and lunch times and always have a water bottle with them to keep hydrated. 


We will always send out reminder letters when the weather changes to remind everyone. 
