A warm welcome to families and friends from Thursby Primary School. We are a happy, friendly and thriving school set in the beautiful village of Thursby on the outskirts of Carlisle. We currently have 112 pupils on roll, of which 12 are part time Nursery.
Our children are an asset to school and the community. We have a dedicated team of staff, with a variety of skills and talents, who value every child. We offer a safe and caring environment, where we value and develop the whole child. Every child matters and every child is treated individually and as a team. We have so much to offer all children, from active learning, including outdoor learning and wellbeing set alongside excellent behaviour and positive attitudes to learning as a priority to successful outcomes and knowledgeable children. We have built up solid foundations through our core values of: Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Teamwork and Positivity.
Our children are very well educated by our skilled and talented staff team, who are always available to parents and work together for successful achievements of our children.
Our families are a great asset to Thursby School, they actively engage with school life and our amazing PFA fundraises extensively for all our children.
We hope our website helps you find out more about us, and we encourage you to view our 'Thursby Primary' Facebook page to see all the great events, workshops, visits and fun practical learning that takes place at Thursby School. But if there is something you cannot find or see please call in and see us or ring 01228 711180. We recognise the importance of you choosing the right school for your child and we are very happy to do individual tours of school so you can 'see us in action' . We are here to support you in any way we can.
Mr Carl Barnes
Acting Headteacher