

Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

Class 4

Class 4 parents, please view our curriculum for this academic year by clicking on the yellow stars below. 

If you need any further information please contact  Mr Colombi via the class email or via the main office.

Animal Classification

We looked at Carl Linnaeus and how he classified plants and animals. He separated then into 7 sections and we learnt a mnemonic to remember the order:

kids, prefer, chocolate, over, fresh, green, salad.

we also created our own classification with wolf in the species section to start it off. The class each drew an animal to fit into the classification.

Yosemite National Park - Sequoia Tree collage

Forest Schools - Here are some photos of the things we have completed!

NSPCC - Anti-Bullying workshop (this was part of our Kindness Week)

Life Bus Visit

Discovery Museum Workshop - Newcastle

Mini First Aid Kids

Some examples of what types of food we eat
