

Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

Foundation Stage

Welcome to Thursby School Foundation Stage Unit. 


Welcome to our Foundation Stage Unit.

This is where your wonderful children will start their school journey. Nursery children can join us the term after their 3rd birthday, or any time after. If you choose for your child to start Thursby School for their Reception year they will start in the September of the academic year. 

In our class we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS). We use this statutory document to plan for children's learning and development,

and to support them in gaining knowledge and skills to enable them to be 'life-long learners and achieve their own version of success'




Class Information 



Miss Butler - Class Teacher - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs Gibson- Class Teacher - Thursday and Friday

Mrs Bewley - Teaching Assistant - Mon-Fri Full time.

Mrs Gould - PPA cover - Thursday AM.





All children will take part in a taught PE session every Tuesday and Friday.

Please make sure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kits on those days.. A PE kit should consist of a white t-shirt, blue shorts, trainers and a water bottle. 


Water bottles:

Please ensure that your child comes to school with a water bottle. The water bottle should be taken home each evening and brought in every morning already filled with water.


Home learning:

Please try to read with your child every day. This maybe be that your child reads their reading book to you OR you read a story, comic or magazine to or with them. 


Following our phonics programme, Little Wandle, your child will be given a new reading book every Monday. This book will be their reading book for the entire week. An additional homework sheet relating to the phonics sessions taught that week will be sent home every Friday. 


As always, we have an open door policy, please come in and see us if you have any concerns or suggestions. 

Purple Mash / Mini mash