

Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

Class 3 Useful Information


PE during the Spring Term will be on a Tuesday (swimming) and Wednesday afternoon so please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on these days. Long hair should be tied up and no jewellery should be worn.


Please ensure your child brings a full water bottle to school EACH DAY. This will be sent home each day.




Homework will be set on a Monday and to be completed by Friday of that week. Spellings will be set on SpellingShed and times tables will be set on Tackling Tables each week.


Every child is expected to read to an adult a minimum of 3x per week. This should be recorded in their reading journal. Your child should bring their reading journal to school EVERY DAY.

Your child will be given spelling words to practise each week. These can be done through one of the activities on their spelling menu.

Your child will also be given a times table to practise each week. This can be done through one of the activities on their times table menu, using hit the button, on Tackling Tables or through one of the activities on Purple Mash.

Each term/half term your child will be given a topic choice grid linked to the class topic. They will need to complete 3-6 activities from the grid by the date stated on it.
