

Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3!


We hope everyone has had a lovely, restful summer holidays and we are really looking forward to another busy school year with you all!


Teaching staff in class 3 will be:

Mrs Brown (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday),

Miss Gregson (Thursday and Friday) 


Mrs Gould (PPA Cover).


All the information you will need for this year can be found on the curriculum pages of the website.


As always if you need to contact us please use the class 3 email:



Autumn Term 2019

WW2 Knowledge Organiser

We visited Carlisle United this week for a PE and PSHE session. Some of the children met the new manager!

Historical enquiry with Jules from the Museum of Military Life

We invited special visitors to Class 3 to share first-hand stories about their lives during WW2.
